Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hire An Atlanta Squirrel Removal Company To Relocate These Pests

By Dave L. Weglin

Squirrels can become troublesome to homeowners once the population of these creatures reaches a certain point in residential neighborhoods. They can be destructive to both homes and the vegetation on one's property. Some of the damage caused by squirrels is not only expensive to fix but also hazardous. Contacting a reliable Atlanta squirrel removal company is the best way to ensure that they unwelcome guests move on safely.

When squirrels rapidly grow in numbers they will start causing problems for their human neighbors such as digging up vegetable gardens and lawns, gnawing the bark off trees, and even finding their way into the attics of houses. Their presence in the home can pose a serious threat to safety once they start chewing at wires and components of the heating and cooling systems, and the noises they make can be rather disturbing.

It isn't difficult to know when one is sharing their home and yard with one or more squirrel families. The most obvious clue is a hole chewed into the side of the house, but they also build nests in trees and eaves, dig holes in the lawn, gnaw bark off trees, and leave droppings around. These animals also tend to be quite visible, and are often spotted climbing around the rooftops, chimneys and such.

Homeowners who are certain that squirrels have invaded need to seek the assistance of a company which specializes in capturing and relocating these creatures and preventing their re-entry. A consultant will carefully assess the house and pinpoint all places of entry, then they will repair each of these.

Another technique involves placing a cage with a one-way door at the access point, it will force the animal to exit and prevent it from re-entering. Some "habitat modification" measures are also helpful in keeping these creatures away by making the environment less appealing, for instance no longer using bird feeders and cutting away low-hanging branches surrounding the roof.

Traps may be employed to capture the creatures as well, so they can be safely taken off the property and released into the wild. This is a task for a professional pest removal company, that knows how to handle the animals in a humane manner and they are also familiar with all the applicable state and municipal wildlife control regulations that must be adhered to

There are also various devices which are designed to frighten squirrels away, but these usually don't work for long as the animals get used to them. When properly used, repellents may also be effective at keeping these creatures at bay, but they should be administered by a professional pest control company.

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