Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why You Should Spread A Sun Lab Self Tanner To Tint Your Skin

By Haywood Hunter

When it comes to tanning your skin, you do not want to use a product that will harm you. People have all along been sunbathing and using tab beds in order to get a gorgeous glow not realizing that they are risking harming the skin. With a Sun Lab self tanner that is designed using DHA sugar and other harmless ingredients, you can give your skin that dark glow.

Depending on the lightness of skin and the kind of tint you want to attain, you can select the right shade of tan product. There are different shades of tanners that range from light, ultra dark, and deep dark. The heavy orangey tan may not be too impressive and you need to consider moderate but striking tan.

With these tanners, they will give you that deep dark tanning without necessarily exposing yourself to UV light. The ultraviolet rays have been proved harmful when they are exposed to body for extended time period. Since it takes many hours before the sunrays create a tan effect, it is during this time when people are harmed by those rays.

When you expose yourself to the dangerous ultraviolet rays, it risks causing cancer growth on to your skin. No one would like to suffer from this condition and this is why you should steer clear of such exposures. And, if you think that the tanning beds are safer, then you are wrong. The tan beds also release UV light that is equivalent to that produced by sun and they could equally cause harm to your body skin.

If you have a product that will dry very fast when it gets on skin, it will not have sufficient time to find its way into skin and tan it. On the other hand, a product that takes too long to dry also creates issues. Because you want to do other things when you have finished the application of tan, if a product will not dry, it remains wet and stains clothes and surfaces.

In the event of diluting, you might make them too light that they dribble down the skin leading to streaky and blotchy appearances. Such marks will make you look weird. Moreover, some tanners will smell terribly when you have applied them. Although, they have a pleasant smell when you open the containers, you will be surprised that after waking up, they are smelling bad.

Some will not perform as desired and although you might see them being advertised as the best, it is not until you have applied them that you realize they are actually not the best. It is critical to read the reviews people have put forward about using such products. Amazingly, there are so many reviews that people have written about the product they have used.

Using different lotions every now and then may bring other issues. The body needs to adjust to the kind of lotion you use, and if you are changing them every now and then, you will confuse the body and it might never adjust to the products in order to get that perfect glow. Ensure you prepare the skin properly before applying those tanners. Proper skin pretreatment will ensure the tanners adhere to skin perfectly and minimize the formation of streaks and other unsightly marks.

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