Monday, September 15, 2014

All About Derm Exclusive Fill And Freeze

By Rebecca Amika

There are many different options today when it comes to trying to prevent the looks of aging skin. This is in part due to modern science and its explosion in the past decade. However, while there may be many skin care products on the market, I can almost guarantee that you have some trouble separating the good from the bad. Well, I want to tell you some information today on one of these products. I am talking about Derm Exclusive. Hopefully this page will help you decide if it is actually going to be worth your time and money or not.

Are you interested in what I can do to help you decide? I will be more than happy to answer that question for you. What I am going to do today is give you more details than ever on what exactly you get with Derm Exclusive. After I get finished revealing this information, I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages that I have been able to discover by scouring the internet reviews of real customers.

The first thing I want to do is tell you what this is. Derm Exclusive is an as seen on tv skin care product. It was created by Dr. Andrew Ordon. He is one of the most dedicated plastic surgeons that I have heard of when it comes to skin rejuvenation. He has been studying in this field for the past 30 years, and that research led him to creating this product.

In my honest opinion, there is only one short way to describe the Derm Exclusive anti-aging regimen to you. That would be to tell you that it gives you the same results as botox without the pain. Also, dangerous side effects are much less likely when using Derm Exclusive in comparison with other procedures. Before I move on, I also want to tell you that Dr. Andrew Ordon recommends that you use this instead of botox injections. That is pretty impressive being as he is a plastic surgeon himself and he is talking people out of his office with this simple product.

Are you now trying to figure out if this is for you? Well, let me help you with that decision by telling you who this is the best option for. I would recommend it to anyone in need of an anti-aging product that works and does not have the money to go in and get expensive procedures done. While the price may seem a little steep if you compare it to those creams at your nearest store, it is vital to remember that those creams have minimal impact compared to this. That is because those are one cream treatments, while this is a complete program consisting of different items that all compliment each other.

Now let me give you some information on how Derm Exclusive fill and freeze actually works. It is broken down into four simple steps based on the products included when you try this program. The products included are micro-peel resurfacing pads, intensive repair serum, collagen lift, and the all too well known fill and freeze gel.

The first step in the program is making use of what are referred to as micro-peel resurfacing pads. These are very good at exfoliating your skin, which is the process of removing the outer layer of dead skin cells. This will give your skin a more flexible look. This is accomplished through a process called micro-dermabrasion. These pads are only intended to be used two or three times every week.

Now you are going to move on to the intensive repair serum. This gel is revolutionary all by itself. To put it simply, you put this gel directly on your skin and it helps brighten skin. Basically, it helps remove or smoothen the look of age spots. You are asked to use this gel once in the morning and once before you go to bed to achieve maximum results.

The third step in the process is using the collagen lift. This stuff is going to make your skin like elastic again. It achieves this by promoting the natural production of proteins called collagens in your body. You need to use this twice daily as well.

Fill and freeze is the last step. This is where you apply this topical gel to your skin and immediately get results. Yes, I said immediately. This means your little wrinkles start to fade within minutes. This stuff has the same results as botox and you do not have to experience the pain. Most people who use Derm Exclusive, use it solely for this portion.

The advantages of the Derm Exclusive anti-aging program I believe are pretty obvious. If, however, I still need to tell you I will. It is painless. It gives you results now and those results last. It is cheap when you consider what all it includes.

The only con is the cost and lack of a sufficient amount of customer reviews.

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